Other · Under 50
Public blockchain
BD Manager
2,000 - 5,000 USD/Monthly
Ontology · HR Manager
Job Description
• 根据公司业务主动开发潜在客户,维护及增进已有客户关系,增加业务合作范围,推动实现合作落地;
• 参与相应项目的合作沟通、方案设计、内外部资源协调、技术答疑等对接工作;
• 市场和行业信息挖掘,深入了解,积累相关行业资源和解决方案经验;
• 保持对区块链行业各类信息的追踪,及时反馈
What you will do
• According to the company's business, actively develop potential customers, maintain and promote customer relationships in the early stage of cooperation, increase the scope of business cooperation, and promote the realization of cooperation;
• Participate in the corresponding projects’ communication, program design, internal and external resource coordination, technical Q&A and other docking work;
• Market and industry information mining, in-depth understanding, and accumulation of relevant industry resources and experience in solutions;
• Keep track of all kinds of information in the blockchain industry and provide promt feedback
• 全日制本科及以上学历,专业不限;
• 2-3年商务工作经验,Web2行业经历,对进入区块链等新兴科技行业感兴趣也可;
• 具有较强的学习能力和创新思维能力,能接受挑战且富有激情;
• 具备较强的亲和力和沟通协调能力,英语流利者优先,良好的团队协作精神;
• 具备较强的人际资源开发能力,有区块链行业项目方资源优先;
• 工作地:上海
Your skills and experience
• Full-time bachelor degree or above, no major limitation;
• 2-3 years of business related experience, including web2 industry experience but interested in emerging technology industries such as blockchain is acceptable;
• Have strong learning ability and innovative thinking ability, can accept challenges and be passionate;
• Have strong affinity and communication and coordination skills, proficient in English is preferred, good teamwork spirit;
• Possess strong interpersonal resource development capabilities. Project resources in the blockchain industry are preferred;
• Base in Shanghai