Series A · 50 To 99 Employees · Mobile Internet

Country Manager-Germany

  • Remote
  • Germany
  • Full Time
  • 3-5 Years EXP
  • Bachelor
SmartDeer · 招聘顾问

Job Description

Responsibilities: Lead the establishment and setup of the company in Germany, ensuring compliance with local laws and regulations. Manage human resources delivery functions to ensure efficient operations for our clients in Germany. Oversee daily company operations and enforce policies. Build strong relationships with clients, partners, and government authorities in Germany. Ensure compliance with local labor laws, regulations, and company policies. Collaborate with regional and global teams to align strategies and best practices. Represent the company at local and regional industry events. Facilitate the company's engagement in providing comprehensive human resources services. Requirements: In-depth knowledge of labor legislation and HR practices in Germany. Strong understanding of the German market and business culture. Proven experience in company establishment and setup in Germany, including knowledge of relevant policies and procedures. Fluent in German and Chinese; additional language skills are a plus. Adaptability and ability to work in a fast-paced startup environment. 岗位职责: 1. 负责分公司在德业务的开展与发展; 2. 制定当地市场的人力资源战略,推动业务快速发展; 3. 有效管理公司内部运营,带领团队发展相关工作; 4. 与当地政府、客户、合作伙伴等保持良好关系; 5. 确保遵守当地劳动法律、法规和公司政策; 6. 与总公司和其他区域团队合作,协调战略,做好当地业务拓展及管理工作; 7. 积极参与各项活动及相关行业的会议和组织工作,协调人员与当地政府部门的对接沟通等工作。 岗位要求: 1. 掌握当地的法律体系以及劳动立法,有丰富的管理和发展经验; 2. 熟悉当地市场和商业环境; 3. 能够熟练使用德语和中文进行工作,具备良好的口头和书面表达能力; 4. 具备快速学习和适应环境的能力,有创业精神。
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